

After another notification about more suspicious pages on my website and more help from Mike and EdensWorks we think the site is all ‘buttoned up’ Are buttons that secure anyway?  

The Interwebz

The Interwebz

This week I was notified that my spot for me to do some blogging had been hacked.  I hope there are no ill effects from the problem other than some things in the background.  Should be good to go again.  I’ll try to make more updates to the site. “Can’t have nice things.”



Erica and I were married today.  It was a great day and wouldn’t change a thing!  Thanks to everyone that was there in person and to everyone that had us on their mind.  A new chapter begins!!!

Car Repair

Car Repair

I took my car in today to get fixed up from the crashcouple weeks ago.  Since there was some undercarriage damage, the insurance adjuster wanted to be there this morning to check it out when the car was up in the air.  I was a little worried that it would cause a delay in the repairs.  Shortly after I dropped the car off, I already had a call from the repair shop saying the adjuster had been by and approved…

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